How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in Georgia?

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Your Georgia car insurance rates depend on several things, like the kind of car you drive, how much you drive it, and how good your driving record is.

Luckily, there are ways you can limit these costs. Rural areas generally present less risk, so people in these areas typically pay less for insurance. If you are a student, you can get better rates simply by keeping your grades up. You can also lower your rates by increasing your deductible.

How much insurance you choose to carry also affects your rates. Every driver in Georgia has to carry 25/50/25 liability insurance. This is just liability insurance, which means it applies to damage or injury to other people or their property.

This is how it breaks down:

While that’s the minimum insurance you have to carry, many drivers carry more. If you have a car loan, the bank may require that you carry collision or comprehensive insurance to protect its investment.

Georgia car insurance costs

Average Cost for Car Insurance in Georgia

If you live in Georgia and are wondering how much your car insurance policy should cost you on average, you’re in the right place. We break down the average costs of auto insurance policy rates in GA:

Costs by County:Sedan:SUV:Coupe:Truck:Hybrid:
Ben Hill$1,038$898$998$1,027$1,099

Georgia Auto Insurance Costs by City

If you want to get a more granular breakdown of the average costs for insurance based on your current city, we have guides for popular cities:

Albany Georgia auto insurance
Atlanta car insurance costs
Augusta GA car insurance rates
Columbus, GA auto insurance
Macon car insurance costs
Savannah, GA car insurance costs

Finding Georgia Car Insurance Resources

If you live in Georgia, there are many places you can look for information about auto insurance. Consumer review sites are often great ways to gain insight into individual insurers. An ideal place to start is the Georgia Office of Insurance and Fire Safety Commissioner.

This office is in charge of all insurance in the state of Georgia, including car insurance. It offers tools you can use to compare your costs against other drivers, and answers to many questions you may have.

Things You Should Know About Georgia Auto Insurance

The Office of Insurance and Fire Safety Commissioner is not only there to oversee insurance in the state and enforce regulations, it is essentially there for your protection. This is the first place you should go if you have any questions about your insurance.

In Georgia, you do not normally buy insurance straight from the insurance company. You typically go through an agent. This means that the quote given to you may not match the premium you pay. That’s because the insurance company has the final say on what it charges you.

If you have physical damage coverage, you can file a claim on your own insurance even if someone else was at fault for the accident.

Buying insurance for your teenage child raises your Georgia car insurance rates, but you can reduce the extra cost if he or she passes a safety course, gets good grades, and does not drive a high-performance car.

Moving to Georgia: Important Information

Once you move to Georgia, you have 30 days to apply for a Georgia driver’s license. If you already have a driver’s license from another state, you can simply transfer it. You can get a new Georgia license even if your license is expired, so long as it expired in the last two years.

Georgia is a Secure ID state, so when you apply for a driver’s license, you need to have supporting documents to prove who you are and that you are a legal resident. You need to bring either the originals or certified copies of each document.

Understanding Driving Laws in Georgia

Georgia offers a graduated license program called TADRA for new drivers. This program has a three-step path to your full license, starting with your Learner’s Permit. You can then get a Class D intermediate license, which lets you drive between 6 a.m. and midnight. After you have had your Class D for a year without any driving convictions, you can apply for a full license.

As in all other states, drinking and driving is a serious offense. The BAC limit for adult drivers is 0.08 percent. Drivers under the age of 21 face a maximum BAC of 0.02 percent, or about one drink, and commercial drivers must stay below 0.04 percent. If you have a BAC over 0.15 percent, you face stiffer penalties. Also, if you refuse a BAC test in Georgia, you may have your license revoked automatically.

You can use a cell phone while driving, but you cannot text. Teen drivers cannot use a cell phone at all while driving.

Georgia requires all front seat passengers to wear a seatbelt in all cars manufactured after January 1, 1964. Children under 8 years old must be in an approved safety seat.

Frequently Asked Questions About Georgia Car Insurance

Can an insurance company drop you after an accident?

Under Georgia laws, as long as you have been with the company for three years, it cannot drop you for a single accident even if it was your fault.

What if the other driver in an accident doesn’t have insurance?

You have coverage only if you chose uninsured or underinsured motorist protection. This insurance provides additional coverage for you if the other driver has no insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance to cover your damages.

Can an insurance company charge more than its agent quoted?

The insurance company must list all its plans and rates with the Office of Insurance and Fire Safety Commissioner. If the agent’s quote does not match one of those filings, the insurance company cannot offer that rate.

How to Get Great Rates on Georgia Car Insurance

Finding an auto insurance quote can seem overwhelming – but helps you find the best car insurance policy at the best price. Every year, we match 15 million consumers to the nation’s biggest auto insurance companies, including State Farm, Allstate and Liberty Mutual. connects you with local and national insurance companies that give you free car insurance estimates within minutes. By comparing multiple quotes, you can be sure that you’re getting the best price for car insurance. Auto Rate Methodology

Rates are based on one vehicle and one driver who has state minimum coverage with $500 deductibles. The hypothetical driver is 35 years old, female or male, employed, a college graduate, and has good credit. She has no traffic violations, claims, or lapse in coverage. The vehicle is assumed to be a sedan that is garaged on premises, used primarily for commuting, and driven 16,000 miles per year. Rates include commonly available carrier discounts and are estimates and not guaranteed.

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