How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in Hawaii?

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Every driver in Hawaii must have auto insurance coverage, and your rates depend on a number of factors including your age, your car, and how often you drive. If you are considered a low-risk driver, your rate will typically be lower than an individual considered high-risk.

Risk depends on age and experience. Young drivers pay more than experienced drivers do, as do drivers with high performance cars. You also pay more if you drive more, as it increases your exposure to accidents. However, if you are a safe driver, your rates drop. Although the state requires you to have auto insurance, there are many reasons to maintain regular coverage. Here is all the information you need to find the best car insurance Hawaii has to offer.

Hawaii Car Insurance Coverage Requirements

Hawaii is a no-fault state. This means that in addition to liability insurance, you also have to carry personal injury coverage. The minimum coverage you have to carry is 20/40/10/10, which comes out to:

You also have to be able to prove you have insurance at all times. Keep your insurance card on you or in your car; you face a fine if you do not have it. If you don’t have insurance, you have to turn in your registration and license plates to the county.

When you get a quote, the insurer is required to offer you both uninsured and underinsured motorist protection. You don’t have to take it, but the insurer must at least offer it. Insurance companies also offer collision and comprehensive, as well as death and funeral benefits.

Hawaii car insurance costs

Average Cost for Car Insurance in Hawaii by County

In order to get the best price on car insurance, you’ll want to know on average how much it should cost. We broke down the average costs of car insurance per year for a driver in Hawaii below:

Costs by County:Sedan:SUV:Coupe:Truck:Hybrid:

Moving to Hawaii: Important Information

An important thing you need to know before moving to Hawaii is that the city and county governments, not the state, issue driver’s licenses. For example, if you live in Honolulu, that’s where you get your license. You can’t go to a small town and hope for a shorter line at the licensing office.

To get a Hawaii driver’s license in Honolulu, you need to present not only your valid out-of-state license and Social Security card, but also your proof of legal residence. You also need to pass both an eye test and a written test.

Understanding Driving Laws in Hawaii

Hawaii has some of the strictest DUI laws in the nation. If you are under 21, the BAC limit is zero, and the first offense comes with a six-month suspension. For adults, the limit is 0.08, but you can face jail time for even the first infraction.

Everyone must wear a seatbelt in Hawaii, whether in the front or back seat of the vehicle. You must also have car seats for children four and under, and either boosters or car seats between ages four and seven.

No one can text while driving in Hawaii, but you can make calls if you have a hands-free device. Teen drivers cannot use a phone while driving for any reason.

Hawaii takes legal residence very seriously. If your driver’s license expires, or you get a new class of license, you have to show proof of legal presence.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hawaii Auto Insurance

What is no-fault insurance?

No-fault insurance means that your insurance company pays out regardless of who is at fault for the accident. In Hawaii, this only applies to personal injuries, not to car or property damage.

Are their minimums for uninsured and underinsured motorist protection?

Riding without any coverage can be costly. If you buy either uninsured or underinsured motorist protection, you have to buy a minimum of $20,000 in coverage. You must purchase uninsured and underinsured motorist protection separately.

Why is injury liability required if Hawaii is a no-fault state?

If you are at fault in an accident, the other person can sue you for serious injuries. No-fault insurance does not apply to serious injuries.

Can an insurance policy exclude certain drivers?

Insurance companies do not have to cover every driver in your household. They can exclude certain drivers but they must include those exclusions in the policy.

How much is car insurance per month in Hawaii?

Monthly car insurance in Hawaii can range from $36 to $110 depending on the vehicle and coverage. Our table above shows the average yearly cost of car insurance per vehicle, per city. If you divide those rates by 12 you can estimate the monthly car insurance required for that vehicle.

How to Get Great Rates on Hawaii Auto Insurance

Finding an auto insurance quote can seem overwhelming – but helps you find the best car insurance policy at the best price. Every year, we match 15 million consumers to the nation’s biggest auto insurance companies, including State Farm, Allstate and Liberty Mutual. connects you with local and national insurance companies that give you free car insurance quotes within minutes. By comparing multiple quotes, you can be sure that you’re getting the best price for car insurance Hawaii has to offer. Auto Rate Methodology

Rates are based on one vehicle and one driver who has state minimum coverage with $500 deductibles. The hypothetical driver is 35 years old, female or male, employed, a college graduate, and has good credit. She has no traffic violations, claims, or lapse in coverage. The vehicle is assumed to be a sedan that is garaged on premises, used primarily for commuting, and driven 16,000 miles per year. Rates include commonly available carrier discounts and are estimates and not guaranteed.

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