How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in Idaho?

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Even though Idaho isn’t as densely populated as other states, drivers still need to contend with traffic in cities, and rugged mountain conditions. It’s important to protect yourself with auto insurance as a resident of Idaho. Insurance for your vehicle is mandatory in Idaho, as it is in most states.

Your auto insurance rates depend on a number of different factors. One major factor that affects how much you pay for insurance is age. Policies tend to have higher premiums when young drivers are covered and for those whose age are under 30 or over 75. These groups have more accidents than the average driver.

Driver age isn’t the only factor that affects your insurance rates. The kind of car you drive, how often you drive, and even where you drive affects how much you pay. Your driving record matters, too. If you have a history of unsafe driving, your rates will likely be higher.

Men tend to have higher rates, especially those that are young. Young men statistically have more accidents than other driver groups, which is why their rates tend to be higher.

Average Cost for Car Insurance in Idaho by County

When you’re looking for the best auto insurance policy rates in Idaho it’s good to know what the costs are. We’ve provided a list below of the average costs of an auto insurance policy in ID below:

Costs by County:Sedan:SUV:Coupe:Truck:Hybrid:
Bear Lake$650$533$602$671$716

What You Should Know About Idaho Auto Insurance

The first thing you should know about Idaho auto insurance is how much you absolutely have to carry. Just like residents of other states, Idaho residents must carry liability insurance at all times, with the following minimums in place:

Idaho is also big on uninsured motorist insurance. You don’t legally need it, but the company has to write it into your policy. Even if you don’t want the coverage, you have to decline in writing.

You can’t register a car in Idaho unless you sign a statement that you have insurance, and agree to maintain insurance on the car. If you drive without insurance, you risk license suspension.

Idaho is a tort state, not a no-fault state. This means that someone must be legally at fault for every accident. It’s a good idea to carry more insurance than you think you need just in case.

Moving to Idaho: Important Information

You have 90 days from when you move to Idaho to get an Idaho Driver’s license. The only exceptions are for members of the military and students from other states attending school in Idaho. Everyone else has to get an Idaho license. If you have a commercial license, you only have 30 days, not 90.

Idaho has a One License Law. This means you have to give up your out-of-state license when you get your Idaho license. You can, however, keep a foreign license unless you have a commercial license.

You get your Idaho license through the County Sheriff’s Office. All drivers must take a vision test, and some drivers may have to take a skills test. As a new resident, you also are required to provide proof of identity and legal presence.

Understanding Driving Laws in Idaho

You can talk on your cell phone while driving in Idaho, but you cannot text. This applies to all drivers, regardless of age.

According to Idaho statute 49-673, everyone must wear a seat belt unless they have a specific medical exemption, or the car does not have enough seat belts. If there are not enough seat belts, you cannot let someone under 18 ride without one. Children 6 and under must use approved safety restraints.

If you incur a DUI, the state suspends your license for at least 90 days. The BAC limit is 0.08 percent if you are over 21, 0.02 percent for those under 21. If you are under the influence of more than one substance, you can still be charged with a DUI even if your BAC is below 0.08. You don’t have to be over the limit if you mixed another intoxicant with alcohol.

Frequently Asked Questions About Idaho Auto Insurance

Is making young men pay higher premiums considered discrimination?

Idaho law states that it can charge certain groups more for insurance as long as it can prove the risk among that group is higher.

Why are premiums sometimes higher than the quote?

This is misquoted, and usually means you have a mistake in your application. Usually, either your agent didn’t read the rate table correctly, or your application doesn’t match your driving record.

How important are driving records?

If you have numerous claims on your record, your insurance company may add a surcharge to your rates. If you have too many claims, your insurance company may drop your coverage.

How to Get Great Rates on Idaho Auto Insurance

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Idaho Car Insurance Resources

Idaho Division of Insurance

Laws, policies and regulations pertaining to auto insurance in Idaho

Idaho Transportation Department, Division of Motor Vehicles

Links to Idaho motor vehicle laws and online services such as driver licensing and vehicle registration

Idaho Cell Phone Driving Laws

Can you talk and drive in Idaho? Auto Rate Methodology

Rates are based on one vehicle and one driver who has state minimum coverage with $500 deductibles. The hypothetical driver is 35 years old, female or male, employed, a college graduate, and has good credit. She has no traffic violations, claims, or lapse in coverage. The vehicle is assumed to be a sedan that is garaged on premises, used primarily for commuting, and driven 16,000 miles per year. Rates include commonly available carrier discounts and are estimates and not guaranteed.

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