How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in Illinois?

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Auto insurance is mandatory for Illinois car owners. If you decide to drive without insurance coverage, there is a penalty if you are caught. You are only required to have liability insurance, but you may decide to purchase supplemental insurance that covers damage to others, passengers, and your vehicle. Full coverage offers the most peace of mind, but obviously costs much more, so it’s often a matter of weighing risk vs. budget. The minimums set by the state are:


Uninsured Motorist

Those just receiving their license are usually young and inexperienced drivers so premiums may be higher. Younger drivers also do not have the expendable income many experienced drivers, or adults, have. While upfront cost is an issue, it is also important to think of long term costs if you were to get into an accident.

Illinois car insurance costs

Average Cost for Car Insurance in Illinois by County

If you live in Illinois the average cost for auto insurance will vary; however, here is a breakdown of the costs for state minimum coverage for each county in IL below:

Costs by County:Sedan:SUV:Coupe:Truck:Hybrid:

Helpful Tips about Illinois Auto Insurance and Teenage Laws

If you are moving to Illinois for the first time, or determining how to purchase insurance for your teenager, the process may seem overwhelming. Here are a few tips to help you in your journey through the Illinois DMV.

1. Illinois has a Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) program that helps teens become more comfortable behind the wheel. After completing a drivers course and 50 hours of practice, 16 and 17 year olds may apply for an initial license. At 18 years of age, they may apply for a full license without restrictions.

2. Drivers may apply for a permit as young as 15 years of age.

3. You must apply for a new license within 30 days of legally changing your name. To obtain a license, you need to bring certain pieces of identification, which may include two or more of the following:

What auto insurance coverage is required in Illinois?

Liability insurance is required by Illinois state law if it is registered and operated within the state. Liability insurance covers property damage and any injuries sustained in an auto accident.

What is the average cost of car insurance in Illinois?

The average cost of auto insurance in Illinois will depend on a few factors, but you can expect to pay around $1,135 per year for full coverage. Car insurance may cost more if you choose a monthly payment which average around $110 per month. Your insurance provider will be able to answer more. It’s best to compare multiple free insurance quotes beforehand to get the best deal.

Moving to Illinois: Important Information

Presenting information that includes your signature, date of birth, residency information, and signature for comparison are just a few of the items you need when applying for a license. On the back of your license, you should add your blood type, emergency information, and indicate if you have a power of attorney just in case you are unable to make your own decisions in the event of a severe accident.

Here are some important stipulations to remember when moving to Illinois:

1. If you are moving to Illinois for the first time, or if you are relocating within the state, you must notify the Secretary of State’s office within 10 days of legally changing your address by visiting a Driver Services facility. However, your old license is still valid for 90 days from the date of arrival in the state.

2. If you are an out-of-state student, you can apply for a license, but it is not mandatory that you do so.

3. If you move to Illinois and only operate farm equipment and machinery with limited driving on public roads, you do not need to apply for a license.

4. You must change your vehicle registration and order new license plates within 30 days by filling out a form at a Driver Services facility. Proof of Illinois vehicle auto insurance is required at the time of registration.

Understanding Driving Laws in Illinois

Driving might come naturally to most drivers, however, certain states have strict laws when it comes to driver safety, and Illinois is no exception.

1. Children under 8 must be in a car seat or booster seat in Illinois.

2. You must use your headlights from sunset to sunrise in Illinois, and when it rains, snows, is foggy, or when visibility is minimal. The light must be visible 1,000 feet away.

3. The use of a cellphone while driving is illegal for anyone under 19 years of age, learner’s permit holders, school bus drivers, and all drivers in construction and school zones.

Frequently Asked Questions About Illinois Auto Insurance

1. What does 25/50/20 mean when searching for insurance in Illinois?

The 25 refers to what the insurance company pays for each injured person in an accident you are legally held at fault for ($25,000). The 50 refers to the total injury payout by your company for each accident ($50,000). The 20 refers to what the insurance company pays out for property damage per accident ($20,000). If the medical bills are over $40,000, you, as the at-fault driver, can be sued for the remainder of the costs in court.

2. What happens if you are caught driving without insurance in Illinois?

If caught, your license plates are suspended until you pay a $100 reinstatement fee in addition to current insurance. If you are a repeat offender, you will serve a four-month suspension, pay the $100 fee, and again have to provide current evidence of insurance. If your license plates are suspended, no one may drive that vehicle. However, you can operate other insured vehicles.

3. Do all vehicles need a safety inspection sticker?

Yes, all vehicles operated on roads in the state of Illinois must pass a yearly safety inspection.

How to Save Money on Illinois Auto Insurance

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Additonal Illinois Auto Insurance Resources

Illinois State Division of Insurance

Provides information and assistance to those seeking insurance in Illinois

Illinois Department of Motor Vehicles

Information and license renewal information for Illinois drivers and automobile owners

Illinois State Police Traffic Information

Traffic safety, tips and resources

Illinois Cell Phone Driving Laws

Can you talk and drive in Illinois? Auto Rate Methodology

Rates are based on one vehicle and one driver who has state minimum coverage with $500 deductibles. The hypothetical driver is 35 years old, female or male, employed, a college graduate, and has good credit. She has no traffic violations, claims, or lapse in coverage. The vehicle is assumed to be a sedan that is garaged on premises, used primarily for commuting, and driven 16,000 miles per year. Rates include commonly available carrier discounts and are estimates and not guaranteed. Compare free car insurance quotes to find the best coverage and rates in Illinois

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