How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in Massachusetts?

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You’re in luck if you are looking for fair auto insurance rates for Massachusetts. The state started managing competition between auto insurance companies in the early 2000’s. Since then, drivers in the state have saved millions in insurance costs.

The state also has a Consumer Bill of Rights for Automobile Insurance. This bill of rights spells out all your rights when shopping for auto insurance in the state. It says that you cannot be turned down for insurance for discriminatory reasons and that a company has to explain its reasoning if they refuse coverage.

Under the bill of rights, you can buy the minimum auto insurance required in the state. It also says that agents have to offer you the minimum coverage of:

You are still able to buy supplemental insurance for things like medical payments, but it does pay to shop around.

Massachusetts car insurance costs

Average Cost for Car Insurance in Massachusetts

The average cost of car insurance in Massachusetts varies between drivers. Here is the breakdown of the amount you can expect to pay on car insurance costs by county for vehicle type below for a minimum state policy of the average driver:

Auto Insurance Costs by County:Sedan:SUV:Coupe:Truck:Hybrid:

Competition of Massachusetts Auto Insurance System

The state’s managed competition system keeps insurance rates down. Keep in mind that your rates vary based on your driving record, where you live, and other rating factors approved by the Commissioner. This is why it’s important to maintain a good driving record.

In addition, you should shop around for the best policy for your needs. Many companies offer discounts on your car insurance and some of the discounts are required under state law. This includes discounts for passive restraint systems, anti-theft devices, and drivers who are 65 years old and older. Some companies also offer discounts for:

The best thing to do is compare rates and discounts offered by several different companies. This will help you figure out which discounts you may qualify for.

Moving to Massachusetts: Important Information

You will need to convert your out-of-state license as soon as you are a resident if you are moving to Massachusetts. You will need to take your old license to the Registry of Motor Vehicles. You will also need proof of your birth date, that you live in the state, and your Social Security card.

There are several steps you need to do to convert your out-of-state vehicle registration. You will need to go to a licensed state insurance agent and get an auto insurance policy in the state. Then, you need to go to a Registry of Motor Vehicles branch office. Be sure to bring your out-of-state title and registration and fill out an application.

Understanding Driving Laws in Massachusetts

Massachusetts has traffic laws that say you must drive the speed limit and wear a seat belt just like other states. In addition, state law says that infants and children must ride in federally approved child passenger restraints. They have to use them until they are at least 8 years old or 57 inches tall.

It is also against the law to use any mobile electronic device while driving. This means you can’t use a cell phone to write, read, or send messages while driving. In addition, drivers who are under 18 years old can’t use a mobile electronic device for any reason while driving. The only exception is to report an emergency.

Frequently Asked Questions About Massachusetts Auto Insurance

Why are rates different from different companies under the managed competition system?

Before 2008, the rates for all auto insurers were set by the Commissioner of Insurance. If you shopped for insurance then, your quote from each company would have been the same for the same coverage. Since April 2008, insurers in the state have been setting their own rates. Even though the rates vary, the Commissioner of Insurance approves the rates.

Is it true that auto insurance is expensive in Massachusetts?

It is true that the state has some of the highest auto insurance rates.  One of the biggest causes is that so many people live and drive in the state, so accidents are more likely to happen. The state also has a higher cost of living than some other states. This means everything costs more including medical care, auto repairs, and legal costs.

Can drivers purchase more than the minimum required auto insurance?

You have to buy the minimum insurance set by state law, but you can buy extra types of coverage or increased coverage. You might want to consider comprehensive coverage and coverage for towing. Comprehensive covers any damage to your car not caused by an accident, like flooding or theft.

How to Get Great Rates on Massachusetts Auto Insurance

Finding an auto insurance quote can seem overwhelming – but helps you find the best car insurance policy at the best price. Every year, we match 15 million consumers to the nation’s biggest auto insurance companies, including State Farm, Allstate and Liberty Mutual. connects you with local and national insurance companies that give you free car insurance quotes within minutes. By comparing multiple quotes, you can be sure that you’re getting the best price for car insurance.

Massachusetts Auto Insurance Resources

If you want to know about more than just Massachusetts auto insurance quotes, here are some resources that may be helpful.

Massachusetts Division of Automobile Insurance

Buying Auto Insurance, Coverages, Discounts and more

Massachusetts Department of Motor Vehicles

Offering online information and tools for Massachusetts drivers and vehicle owners Auto Rate Methodology

Rates are based on one vehicle and one driver who has state minimum coverage with $500 deductibles. The hypothetical driver is 35 years old, female or male, employed, a college graduate, and has good credit. She has no traffic violations, claims, or lapse in coverage. The vehicle is assumed to be a sedan that is garaged on premises, used primarily for commuting, and driven 16,000 miles per year. Rates include commonly available carrier discounts and are estimates and not guaranteed.

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