How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in Minnesota?

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You must have auto insurance on all your registered vehicles in Minnesota. The state is a no-fault state, which means your own insurance company covers your medical expenses within your policy limitations, regardless of whose fault it is. Minnesota insurance policies have four components:

PIP is the no-fault element of a policy, with a $40,000 limit. Half is devoted to your hospital and medical costs. The other half covers lost wages and replacement fees.

Liability covers expenses for someone else if you’re at fault and his or her insurance benefits are insufficient. The state minimum is $30,000 for injuries to one person and $60,000 for two or more people. Vehicle and property damage starts at $10,000.

The underinsured component of a policy covers you if someone else’s liability benefits aren’t enough. The uninsured component covers you if the other driver has no insurance. Minnesota requires a minimum coverage of $25,000 for one person and $50,000 for two or more people.

How Much Does Car Insurance Cost in Minnesota?

The average cost of car insurance in Minnesota varies between drivers. Here is the breakdown of the amount you can expect to pay on car insurance costs by county for vehicle type below for a minimum state policy of the average driver:

Auto Insurance Costs by County:Sedan:SUV:Coupe:Truck:Hybrid:
Big Stone$866$693$788$847$908
Blue Earth$847$680$778$817$875

Finding Auto Insurance Resources in Minnesota

Minnesota’s Department of Public Safety oversees Driver and Vehicle Services. The website is a great site to review for information about licenses, vehicle registration, and more. Visit the state’s DVS offices to get your driver’s license, register your vehicle, and access other services.

The Department of Commerce is another resource for you. The website has a variety of tools to help you find insurance. Among them is a License Lookup, so you can know the company you choose is properly licensed. You can also file a complaint and check an agency’s record with the state.

The Minnesota Department of Commerce’s Enforcement Division handles all legal matters related to insurance. This includes customer complaints and investigations. The Department of Commerce also has a Consumer Response Team (CRT). The CRT can field your questions about filing a claim and assist you.

If you can’t buy affordable insurance because of a bad-driving record, there are options. You can apply for Minnesota Automobile Insurance Plan (MNAIP). To be eligible, you must have been unable to obtain insurance within the last 60 days.

Tips for Purchasing Minnesota Auto Insurance

Shop around to find the best offer on auto insurance in Minnesota. Some companies may offer discounts that can save you some money. You can also opt for higher amounts of coverage than required by the state. Minnesota doesn’t require collision or comprehensive coverage, but if you have a loan on a vehicle, your loan provider will require them.

Any insurance agent can cancel your policy within the first 59 days, with three exceptions. They can’t cancel your policy because of your employment or tenant status. They also can’t cancel it for a lack of prior insurance if you weren’t required to have it. From 60 days onward, insurers can terminate your policy only for specific reasons. Those same reasons apply to non-renewals.

A key reason your policy may not be renewed is going over your allotted points. Minnesota uses a points system, assigning values to specific infractions. The points are greater if the infraction is more serious.

Moving to Minnesota: Important Information

You’ll need to get a new driver’s license within 60 days of moving to Minnesota. To do that, you must take a knowledge test to show you understand state driving laws. You must also do the following:

Your old driver’s license will be returned to you after it’s been invalidated. If your out-of-state license is expired or invalid, you’ll have to take a driving skills test.

You need to provide four pieces of information to register your car in Minnesota:

You don’t need to provide proof of insurance while registering your vehicle, but you must have insurance. Registering the vehicle attests that you meet the minimum standards the state requires.

Understanding Driving Laws in Minnesota

Even if you don’t live in Minnesota, non-residents must have PIP and liability coverage within the state. If you are a non-resident but get into an accident in the state, your insurance company may still provide no-fault benefits. The state has a list of all the companies that have signed the no-fault certification form. This agreement means you could receive Minnesota benefits even if your policy doesn’t expressly include them.

Talking on a cell phone while driving is legal for adults in Minnesota. Teens who have a permit or a provisional license can’t use cell phones in any capacity, except to call 911. It’s illegal for you or anyone to send or check text messages or emails while driving. This includes activity while stopped at a red light.

Frequently Asked Questions About Minnesota Auto Insurance

Who is covered under your insurance policy?

Under Minnesota law, your insurance policy covers you and your vehicle. It extends to everyone who lives in the same household as you and drives your vehicle, if they don’t have their own. Your policy also covers anyone else who you agree to let drive your vehicle, if they don’t have their own insurance.

What happens if someone gets into an accident while driving your car?

Your insurance covers anyone in the vehicle. If you don’t have comprehensive or collision coverage, damage to your vehicle might not be covered. Your premiums may also go up because of the accident.

Does Minnesota’s no-fault insurance apply to motorcycles and other vehicles?

In most cases, no-fault doesn’t apply to motorcycles or snowmobiles. You need to purchase separate insurance policies for these vehicles, and the policies don’t include PIP. You can add PIP to a plan for an extra cost.

How to Get Great Rates on Minnesota Auto Insurance

Finding an auto insurance quote can seem overwhelming – but helps you find the best car insurance policy at the best price. Every year, we match 15 million consumers to the nation’s biggest auto insurance companies, including State Farm, Allstate and Liberty Mutual. connects you with local and national insurance companies that give you free car insurance quotes within minutes. By comparing multiple quotes, you can be sure that you’re getting the best price for car insurance. Auto Rate Methodology

Rates are based on one vehicle and one driver who has state minimum coverage with $500 deductibles. The hypothetical driver is 35 years old, female or male, employed, a college graduate, and has good credit. She has no traffic violations, claims, or lapse in coverage. The vehicle is assumed to be a sedan that is garaged on premises, used primarily for commuting, and driven 16,000 miles per year. Rates include commonly available carrier discounts and are estimates and not guaranteed.

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