How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in New Mexico?

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If you drive in New Mexico, you must establish financial responsibility to cover the cost of any injury or damage that occurs. The easiest way to do that is to buy auto insurance.

The amount you have to pay is different for every driver. For example, you’ll pay more if you are a young man with no driving record, and less if you are a safe driver with years of experience. Your credit score also plays a part. If you have bad credit, you may have to pay your entire premium upfront.

One way to reduce your premium is to increase your deductible. You can also buy a car with a good safety record and limit the number of miles you drive.

new mexico car insurance costs

Average Cost for Auto Insurance in New Mexico

The average cost of car insurance in New Mexico varies between drivers. Here is the breakdown of the amount you can expect to pay on car insurance costs by county for vehicle type below for a minimum state policy of the average driver:

Auto Insurance Costs by County:Sedan:SUV:Coupe:Truck:Hybrid:
De Baca$938$817$894$958$1,003
Dona Ana$815$715$783$825$861

Finding Auto Insurance Resources in New Mexico

The first place you should look is the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division (MVD). This department not only issues your driver’s license, it also sets insurance requirements. Go to its insurance page for a first look at what you need.

You can use the Internet for information. Check out your local agent’s and insurance carrier’s websites. Also, check out the best auto insurance quotes on iQ, where you can find information on auto insurance coverage, claims and rates. 

New Mexico Auto Insurance Facts and Information

You don’t need to have auto insurance in New Mexico, but it’s much more expensive if you don’t. You need to deposit $60,000 with the state treasurer to legally drive without insurance on state roads.

If you choose insurance, you need to carry just about as much as the deposit, including:

When you buy insurance in New Mexico, your agent sends your information to the Insurance Identification Database (IIDB). If it doesn’t get your confirmation, it will revoke your registration.

You can keep your out-of-state insurance and register your car in New Mexico. Your policy must meet the New Mexico minimum liability to be valid. You also have to fill out a form to make sure your information gets into the IIDB.

New Mexico is also a state that allows insurers to issue policies that exclude certain household members due to an increased claim risk or poor driving record. This will be recorded in the exclusions section of your New Mexico auto insurance policy, along with any other circumstances that exempt the insurer from responsibility.

Moving to New Mexico: Important Information

When you move to New Mexico, visit a New Mexico MVD Field Office to get a new license. Provide proof of your identity and legal residence, and surrender your previous license. The field office will issue you a temporary license good for 45 days and hole-punch your existing license.

You can use these two documents together until your permanent license arrives.

Every applicant must pass a vision test, and you may have to take a written or road test if your license has expired. If you have a current out-of-state license, you should only have to take the vision test.

All drivers who have been convicted of driving while intoxicated must bring proof they completed an approved DWI prevention and education program.

Understanding Driving Laws in New Mexico

New Mexico take a hard line of people who drive while intoxicated. In addition to strict blood alcohol content (BAC) limits, New Mexico also has a checkpoint program. Traffic police conduct random stops, looking for people driving under the influence. If you drive under the influence and get caught, you will lose your license.

Unlike many other states, New Mexico has no state laws banning adults from texting or using their cellphone while driving. However, novice drivers are banned from texting while driving.

New Mexico’s seat belt law gives police the power to pull you over to check if you are wearing your seat belt. Everyone must wear a seat belt and you must properly secure all children. You also must provide an approved child safety seat for kids younger than 7, and an appropriate child seat, booster seat, or seat belt for children up to 12.

Frequently Asked Questions About New Mexico Auto Insurance

1. What is a Verification of Mandatory Automobile Insurance letter?

It’s a request that you use to prove you have insurance. You usually get one if you do not have New Mexico insurance or if there is a mistake in the forms your agent filed.

2. Do you need insurance if you don’t drive your car?

You don’t need to have insurance on a car if it’s off the road. You do need to fill out an affidavit to keep your registration.

3. How does New Mexico keep insurance information?

New Mexico keeps all insurance information in the IIDB. If you put your insurance on file at the MVD, ask your insurance company to send it to the IIDB.

How to Get Great Rates on New Mexico Auto Insurance

Finding an auto insurance quote can seem overwhelming – but helps you find the best car insurance policy at the best price. Every year, we match 15 million consumers to the nation’s biggest auto insurance companies, including State Farm, Allstate and Liberty Mutual. connects you with local and national insurance companies that give you free car insurance estimates within minutes. By comparing multiple quotes, you can be sure that you’re getting the best price for car insurance. Auto Rate Methodology

Rates are based on one vehicle and one driver who has state minimum coverage with $500 deductibles. The hypothetical driver is 35 years old, female or male, employed, a college graduate, and has good credit. She has no traffic violations, claims, or lapse in coverage. The vehicle is assumed to be a sedan that is garaged on premises, used primarily for commuting, and driven 16,000 miles per year. Rates include commonly available carrier discounts and are estimates and not guaranteed.

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