How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost in Wisconsin?

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Wisconsin is one of the lowest-priced car insurance states in America. The average yearly cost is less than half that of the most expensive states. Below, we’ll walk through the basics for car insurance in Wisconsin including requirements for car insurance, how much to expect to pay for car insurance, online insurance options, and tips to lower your auto insurance rates.

Car Insurance Coverage Required in Wisconsin

Like most states, Wisconsin requires you to carry liability insurance to help protect you if an accident results in an injury. These are the required minimums:

Collision insurance will cover the cost of car repair if you are involved in a car accident. That applies to both your car and any others involved. Comprehensive insurance covers most other kinds of damage from hail, tornados, flooding, theft, vandalism, and other causes. The law does not require either type of policy.

How Much is Car Insurance in Wisconsin Monthly?

Monthly car insurance costs in Wisconsin depend on many factors including a car’s make and model, the driver’s previous accident history, the age of the driver, coverage included in the car insurance plan, and much more. Monthly car insurance costs in Wisconsin range from around $10 to $90. Below, we’ve included average monthly and yearly costs for car insurance based on car model and county.

Auto Insurance Costs by County: Sedan: SUV: Coupe: Truck: Hybrid:

Finding Auto Insurance Resources in Wisconsin

Car insurance is a very competitive business in Wisconsin. That is one reason the costs are so low. Still, you need to do some research if you want to get the best possible prices and good coverage.

You can start at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation website to find out what types of insurance are required and which ones are recommended. Most people who do not have car insurance from their employer will want to contact an insurance company. There are two ways to go about finding an insurance company and policy, which are outlined below.

Online Insurance Options

The easiest and fastest way to do your insurance comparisons is online. Many insurance companies now allow you to accomplish everything on their websites without having to speak with an agent. For an accurate quote, you will need to have a copy of your current auto insurance policy, your driver’s license, and driving record information for the last three years.

Each quote will take only about 10 minutes. Within an hour, you can have plenty of companies to compare and will have saved a lot of time. As more companies change over from agents in offices to online sales, the prices often come down as a bonus.

Tips to Lower Wisconsin Auto Insurance Costs

Here are some suggestions on ways to get the best possible coverage for the lowest prices.

1. Ask friends who have car insurance for input. Everyone likes to recommend agents and brokers they like. They are usually upfront about letting you know if their company has let them down.

2. Ask every company for discounts. If you already have insurance and just got married, your rates may get lower. The same goes if you are now driving less than you used to or if you completed a defensive driving course.

3. If your homeowners or renters insurance company also sells auto insurance, you may get a reduced rate for bundling your coverage.

4. Consider increasing your deductible for collision and comprehensive coverage.

5. If an insured child has moved away to take a job or go to college, some companies provide a discount.

Moving to Wisconsin: Important Information

There are several things you need to do if you are moving to Wisconsin. First, you must change your car registration and license plates from your previous state to Wisconsin. Unfortunately, you do not receive credit for any future registration time remaining from your previous state.

You must also get a new driver’s license within 60 days of establishing residency. If you have a commercial driver’s license, you must switch it within 30 days. Since Wisconsin car insurance rates are probably lower than the state you came from, you may want to change that as soon as possible.

Understanding Driving Laws in Wisconsin

Wisconsin has recently passed some laws that may even be news to current residents. For instance, drivers with an instructional permit or probationary license can no longer use a cell phone at any time for any reason except for emergency needs.

Wisconsin uses a point system for counting driving violations. More than 12 points in one year can lead to the suspension of driving privileges for a minimum of two months. Convictions remain on your record for 5 years, except for serious or alcohol-related convictions that remain for 55 years.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wisconsin Auto Insurance

Here are some of the most common questions people ask about Wisconsin car insurance:

Are the minimum amounts of coverage enough if you are in an accident?

For many people, they are not. Anyone with assets in excess of $50,000 should strongly consider an increase.

What happens if you do not get auto insurance?

If an officer discovers you have no insurance, the fine can be costly. If you are in an accident with no insurance, the state can suspend your license and you have to pay for damages before you can get it back.

Since collision and comprehensive insurance are not required, should you buy them?

Having these types of insurance is highly recommended unless your car’s value is less than your annual insurance premium. 

How to Get Great Rates on Wisconsin Auto Insurance

Finding an auto insurance quote can seem overwhelming – but helps you find the best and cheapest car insurance Wisconsin has to offer. Every year, we match 15 million consumers to the nation’s biggest auto insurance companies, including State Farm, Allstate, and Liberty Mutual. connects you with local and national insurance companies that give you free car insurance estimates within minutes. By comparing multiple quotes, you can be sure that you’re getting the best price for car insurance.

Wisconsin State Auto Insurance Resources

Need more than just auto insurance quotes in Wisconsin? Here are some resources to help you learn more about Wisconsin insurance.

Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance

Laws and consumer information regarding Wisconsin insurance

Wisconsin Consumer’s Guide to Auto Insurance Auto Rate Methodology

Rates are based on one vehicle and one driver who has state minimum coverage with $500 deductibles. The hypothetical driver is 35 years old, female or male, employed, a college graduate, and has good credit. She has no traffic violations, claims, or lapse in coverage. The vehicle is assumed to be a sedan that is garaged on premises, used primarily for commuting, and driven 16,000 miles per year. Rates include commonly available carrier discounts and are estimates and not guaranteed.

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